Unique Features & Solutions


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Sophros | Solid Rubber Flooring

Thoughtfully designed to meet the needs of today’s healthcare and education applications, balancing both performance and visual characteristics to achieve a unique, best-in-class product.

Product Description

Designed with a subtle tone on tone terrazzo visual, Sophros is available in 4’ wide rolls and
coordinating tile and plank formats. For sport applications, 6mm and 9mm thickness tile and plank are available. Made with Zandurs exclusive Ndur TM PVC free rubber formulation, Sophros meets stringent indoor air quality standards and requires significantly less maintenance compared to typical rubber flooring.

For any application where health and well-being are a focus, Sophros achieves the highest levels of performance in terms of comfort, slip resistance and maintenance. Specify for use in a wide variety of areas including patient rooms, emergency rooms, OR’s, cafeterias, corridors, classrooms, offices and anywhere else where durability, comfort and safety are paramount.

Sophros meets criteria for numerous sustainability programs and like all Zandur products, is ILBC Declare Red List free. Regular maintenance simply requires moping or auto-scrubbing with a neutral cleaner. To reduce glare and disorientation in heath care settings, all Sophros flooring is made with an exclusive satin surface sheen.

Sustainable & Safe
  • Declare Red List Free
  • Made from Zandur nDur tm Nitrile Rubber, natural fillers and fade resistant pigments.
  • Contains no PVC, Virgin Styrene, phthalates or halogens and is Declare Red List Free
  • Slip resistance is higher than most other resilient flooring, exceeding ADA and UL recommendations.
  • Exceeds California IAQ (CHPS) indoor air quality and is Anti-Microbial.
  • Meets all North American and European standards for fire and smoke.
  • No Glare Satin Sheen.
Product Highlights

High Performance/Low Lifecycle Cost

  • Made with Zandur’s exclusive Ndur TM formulation which is PVC, Styrene Rubber (SBR)* and plasticizer free. That means excellent indoor air quality and no waxy surface common to other rubber flooring. *(6 and 9mm material contains recycled post industrial SBR).
  • Warranted for 20 years against wear through.
  • Pattern and color runs throughout product for long term durability.
  • Lower life cycle cost and higher performance compared to LVT, VCT and

Easy to maintain and install

  • No special initial maintenance and simple long term maintenance due to
    its exclusive Nitrile construction.
  • Use with or without a finish, depending on project type.
  • Welding seams is optional using coordinating hot or cold weld materials available from Zandur.
  • Sophros is easy to flash cove due to its flexibility.
  • Install over properly prepared concrete or plywood free of contaminants.

Comfortable & Quiet

  • Superior underfoot comfort.
  • Sound reducing qualities are derived from the natural acoustical properties of rubber. Use 6mm or 9mm materials and/or install over acoustical underlayment for increased sound reduction.

Sustainable & Safe

  • Declare Red List Free
  • Contains no PVC, Virgin Styrene Rubber*, phthalates or halogens.*(6mm
    and 9mm thick product contain post industrial recycled SBR rubber)
  • Slip resistance exceeds UL and ADA recommendations.
  • Enhanced underfoot comfort.
  • Exceeds CA 01350 Indoor Air Quality requirements.
  • Impermeable surface makes cleaning and disinfecting easy and effective.
Roll, Plank & Tile Dimensions


  • Roll: 48″ x 40′ (2.5mm only)
  • Square: 24″ x 24″, 40″ x 40″ (Special Order)
  • Plank 24″ x 48″, 12″ x 48″, 6″ x 48″
  • Above listed dimensions are nominal



  • 24 stock colors
  • Specify for typical commercial application including heavy traffic areas.


  • 24 colors stock
  • Specify for Fitness areas where additional acoustics and comfort are required.


  • 24 colors stock
  • Specify for Heavy Use Fitness areas where additional acoustics and
    comfort are required.

Acoustisport Underlayment

  • Available in 3.0, 6.0, 9.0 and 12mm x 4’ wide rolls for installation under Zandur rubber flooring.
  • Specify to increase thickness of Zandur rubber flooring where additional acoustics and underfloor comfort are required.
  • Made from 100% recycled SBR.


Suggested Applications
  • Healthcare -Public Spaces, Patient and Exam Rooms, OR, ER
  • Education – Classrooms, Corridors, Offices
  • Fitness and Re-Hab
  • Corporate
  • Retail